Potential Health Benefits Of Bowling

Bowling is a relatively popular activity, with more than 50 million people in the United States participating in this sport each year. Although bowling doesn't necessarily tire a person out like running, it's still a source of physical activity and has a number of potential health benefits. You may actually be getting more of a workout than you think when you go bowling with friends. Of course, if you drink a lot of beer and eat a lot of junk food while bowling, this will counteract some of the potential benefits. Read More 

Tips For Passing The Open Water Dive Course

If you are someone who is looking to do some serious scuba diving outside of the element of a resort, you will need to be sure that you are able to pass the open water diver course. Here are some tips for making sure that you are able to pass on your first try so you can go explore the ocean as soon as possible. There are three main parts to most open water diving courses. Read More